Heart disease is the number one killer for both men and women in the United States. So it’s a good idea to learn all you can about how to reduce your heart disease risk! In these Wisdom Wednesday videos, Dr. Casad talks all about heart disease, cholesterol, statins, saturated fat, and much more. What you learn may surprise you!
4 Simple Behaviors to Reduce the Risk of Heart Disease
In this video, Dr. Casad reveals four simple behaviors we can all do that reduce the risk of heart disease by 90 percent. As she says in the video, “The cost of medical care is overwhelming and continues to skyrocket every day. And despite the fact that health care is going up, our health is not getting any better. So we have to take action and be proactive in our own health.”
Are Statins the Answer for Preventing Heart Disease?
Statins are the most prescribed drug in America, yet heart disease remains the number one killer. Why is this the case? Dr. Casad lays out some fascinating data about statin use, cholesterol numbers, and why having low LDL cholesterol isn’t necessarily as vital as everyone says it is — in fact, it may be harming your most vital organ. This is a fascinating video!
Is There Really a “Bad” Cholesterol?
Saturated Fat Does Not Raise Your LDL Cholesterol!
When it comes to your heart health, you have far more control than you may have ever realized. These videos are just the first step in your journey to a healthy heart and overall wellness. Contact us for a free consultation to find out how we can help you become your healthiest YOU.
To watch more videos on a variety of health subjects, head to Dr. Casad’s YouTube Channel. We want to help you achieve optimal health and wellness!