Smart Lipo™
You have heard about it, read about it, and seen it on TV. Now, you can schedule your appointment with one of Dallas’ leading physicians to remove unwanted fat and tighten skin in one session with the new SmartLipo™. Discover how this remarkable, safe, and minimally invasive procedure melts fat cells away and stimulates collagen growth for continued skin tightening months later. Treatment areas include the abdomen area, love handles, inner and outer thighs, neck, and bra flanks.
Make your appointment today for a complimentary consultation (a $300 value).
We are now offering THERMIsmooth, a remarkable non-invasive skin rejuvenation treatment for the face, neck, and body. THERMIsmooth uses radiofrequency waves to treat areas more precisely reducing Cellulite and Crepey Skin.
Choose the areas(s) and we can get you on the road to a smoother appearance. Make your appointment today for a complimentary consultation (a $300 value).