Your Care Team
With decades of experience, Dr. Connie Casad and her team work with each patient as an individual to ensure we get it right. We offer Bioidentical Hormone Replacement, Aesthetics Services, and Concierge Medicine.
Dr. Connie Casad
For over 30 years, Dr. Casad has distinguished herself and her practice by constantly striving to provide the best medical care possible. She built her practice on a foundation of caring, serving, and staying ahead of the learning curve in human health.
Dr. Casad uses her diverse knowledge of medicine and women’s health to create unique, individualized patient plans. These encompass hormone balance, nutrition, weight control, and age management.
She understands the biochemical relationships and pathways that are important to comprehensive care. Her talents and gifts enable her to apply insight and common sense when guiding her patient’s desire to effectively solve health and appearance issues.

Meet Dr. Casad’s Amazing Providers
Thoroughly trained, highly skilled, and with decades of experience, meet some stars of our incredible care team.
Dr Connie Casad
Medical Doctor. Ob-Gyn
Dr. Casad is board-certified by the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology and holds a Fellowship with the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. She is a member of the Dallas County Medical Society. Read more about Dr. Casad
Melissa Lang
Nurse Practitioner
A Board Certified Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner, Melissa has specialist training and experience in Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy. Read more about Melissa Lang.
Annie Myscich
Certified Surgical Technician
With extensive training and certification, Annie is proficient in all aspects of aesthetic services and procedures.
We Listen, We Look, We Explain
Dr. Casad listens to everything you have to say to gain a full understanding of what you have going on in your life. She then:
- looks for the underlying causes of your symptoms,
- orders the right labs or tests,
- explains what is going on, and
- lays out a treatment plan to help you get your life back.
Our Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) Program addresses and treats low or out-of-balance hormone levels. These hormone imbalances can affect anyone at any age.
Dr. Casad also understands that diet, exercise, stress management, and vitamin and mineral supplementation work alongside BHRT to establish a whole-body approach to health and wellness.
Call our New Patient Coordinator
She can answer any questions and explain our protocols.
My Philosophy
by Dr. Connie Casad
Several years ago, I watched my niece graduate from the UT Southwestern Medical School here in Dallas. It was a bittersweet experience. On one hand, it was rewarding to see her and her classmates show their excitement and pride as they celebrated their hard-earned academic accomplishments. On the other hand, it’s difficult for me to believe how fast the years have gone by.
Just yesterday, one of my professors was handing me my medical diploma. And I was looking forward to my residency at St. Paul Hospital and the promise of a career I had dreamed of since I was a little girl. Now, I am watching someone I held as a baby engaged in her own medical practice in Seattle.
Recently, I was fortunate to hear Dr. George E. Thibault, President of the Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation, speak. His presentation resonated with me on many levels. Coming from a family who immigrated to America from France by way of Canada, Dr. Thibault learned first-hand what it means to be a doctor. His father was a physician and had his office in the home, where the whole family observed the importance of serving the community.
During the times his father practiced, payment could come in many forms instead of money. People offered, and doctors accepted, what they had — chickens, vegetables, or bartered services if they had a strong back or a special skill.
Doctors were the linchpin of many small towns, and when Dr. Thibault’s father suddenly passed away at 49, it left the community with a difficult hole to fill because Dr. Thibault knew them, loved them, respected them, and served them, person to person.
Dr. Thibault effectively contrasted the past with the present. We live in an unprecedented time of science and technological discoveries. Drugs, instruments, procedures, and all kinds of new and exciting medical advancements become available almost daily.
Seventy-five years ago, doctors would not have been limited by medical devices or their access to new information. What no medical school can teach is what people have to have inside themselves; the ability to care, to help heal, and to serve in a way that makes people feel like they matter.
Every individual wants to feel their physician knows them and their situation and truly wants to make a difference in their lives — and not just write prescriptions and move on to the next patient.
When I first opened the doors as Connie Casad MD, it was my aim to use my education and training to really connect with my patients personally. That’s why I chose Obstetrics. I wanted to be there to share some of the most joyous moments families would ever have.
When the schedule became physically taxing, and I could not serve my family as well as I wanted, I left OB and opened Park Cities Aesthetics. Experience taught me that women could feel better about themselves when they look their best. My patients wanted to know how to age gracefully; so did I.
My retraining in aesthetics was another step in the journey to my most important challenge: Learning how to help women use Bio-identical Hormones in ways that made them feel better, perform better in the workplace and at home, and improve their health to the point where we were not treating disease. Instead, we were teaching people how to be well.
That journey, hopefully, will not be over anytime soon. I feel poised to help my patients in many exciting ways in the coming years — ways I never dreamed of when I started out in medicine. For my office, for my practice, and for me personally, if, at the end of the day, we help our patients lead active, healthy, beautiful lives regardless of age, then we have done what I set out to accomplish when I graduated with a medical degree.
Dr. Thibault’s message is a constant reminder and powerful motivator, challenging me to focus on what matters most: my calling and the importance of interacting with the people who trust me with their wellness.
About Our Clinic and Dr. Casad
Every medical practice has a physician. Every medical practice has a story. In our practice, our doctor is our story.
For more than 30 years, Dr. Connie Casad has served patients all over North Texas with her devotion to education, her unique skills, and a level of empathy and understanding that many people feel is a lost art in medicine today.
Whether it is her professional peer group or her patients, she is recognized as the kind of doctor people search for and might never find. While her practice is multifaceted, her dedication to putting patients first every day is the single most important goal for herself and her staff.
Whether you are looking for Gynecology services, Bioidentical Hormone expertise, specialized Aesthetic procedures and products, or a personal physician offering Concierge care, Dr. Casad has the current knowledge and the time-tested experience to take care of all of your Health and Wellness needs.